Architect salaries in India - An Overview

Do architects in India make good money? How many years is the toil before architects start earning a good sum? Does post-graduation matter? Well, this post gives statistical answers related to architect salaries around India.

Data and salary polls across the nation showed that the median salary of an architect is INR 38,000, with lowest being 19,000 INR and highest being 58,900 INR. These ranges are of course subject to different conditions.

1.      Experience: Architect salaries project northwards with increase in experience. Fresher architects often settle for lesser than the national lowest.

a.      Less than 2 years of experience: Rs. 22,800

b.      Between 2 and 5 years: Rs. 30,200

c.      Between 5 and 10 years: Rs. 40,300

d.      Between 10 and 15 years: Rs. 48,100

e.      Between 15 and 20 years: Rs. 51,900

f.       More than 20 years: Rs. 55,700

2.      Education: Where the average salary of an undergraduate architect stands around Rs. 32,600, a postgraduate architect’s average salary is Rs.51,300 – an increment of 58%

3.      Gender: Men in the field earn 7% more than women.

4.      Increment: There is a general increment rate of 12% every 17 months.

5.      Location: Metropolitan firms who have large-scale operations tend to pay more than the national average. Highest paying firms include:

a.      Architect Hafeez Contractor

b.      SOM

c.      Gensler

d.      Morphogenesis

e.      HOK

f.       Sanon Sen & Associates (S&S)

g.      SPAN Consultants Private Limited

h.      P. Kukreja Associates

i.       Axiom Architects

j.       Prem Nath & Associates

k.      SEMAC Private Limited

l.       OCI Architects

Use these statistics to determine whether you are being paid right or you are losing better opportunities available elsewhere.

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Author : Ar. Sakshi Agrawal