10 TRUTHS about ARCHITECTURE you need to know when pursuing it!

Do the buildings influence you? Do you stop and gaze at the structures in amazement, trying to decipher the story each brick holds?

These factors generally lead us to the field of architecture. But we fail to realize that there is so much more to architecture than just admiring designs.

The field may look glamorous from the outside, though it is much tougher from the inside.

It becomes your lifestyle and not just a job or profession.

Here’s a list of some hard truths you need to uncover before you enter the field. 

  1. The money sucks, it is challenging to feed the beast - Architecture jobs are the least paying jobs in all the sectors. You start earning a decent amount 5-10 years after college.

    It is correctly stated ‘Architecture is a great profession, but a horrible business (especially in your early years)’.

  2. The glass is always half empty - This is the mantra followed in the field, there is always more you could do in it. Architecture is a life-long pursuit of learning a variety of skills related to the subject. Criticism is an essential part, even if you pour your heart into it. 

  3. A lot of students tend to branch out into different fields after the course. Most architects don’t design, they take up different or related work sectors and explore their interests and responsibilities.

  4. The course acknowledges hard work than smart work - Less talented people can work three times more than you and outperform you. It is a competitive profession and accepting it will amaze you with your aptitude as a designer.

  5. The course is a tough nut to crack, but totally worth it - 2 years into the course has you running for the hills. It includes long working hours and an intensive workload.

    Sleep is overrated and a rare commodity.

    Designing and finding inspiration takes time. It can go on for days, even nights. The workload decreases when you get into a job.

  6. A-Level Maths requirement - Architecture does not require the knowledge of complex math equations unless you are inclined to the civil and construction segment. Designing requires basic calculations, measurements, and a grasp of units-scales.

  7. Travel to different types of towns and cities to understand architecture and its history. It is definitely one of the major perks of the field. It is fun to get out of your workspace and explore different parts of the world.

  8. We work with people of different interests - Clients and contractors. Managing and designing according to the different parties in decision-making gets challenging.

    But in the end, the motto remains constant ‘The client is always right!’

  9. Architects need not be exceptional in sketching - Though some architects do have exceptional drawing/sketching skills, it is not one of the requirements for the course. Most architects utilize computer modeling tools.

  10. You cannot call yourself an architect unless you have the license - You cannot just start practicing after the course ends, you need to get your license issued. Application for the license is a strenuous job and needs to be renewed every few years.

We are sure each and every student was unaware of these harsh realities before they entered the course.

What is your opinion, are you ready for the course?

While the field won’t always be fun-n-frolic, the career will be rewarding. We hope you take a leap of faith and cross all the hurdles to have a happy and successful career in architecture!

Author: Ar. Shriya Goyal.