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How can architects negotiate against salaries that don’t pay bills?

We all agree that for what it’s worth, architects in India get paid much lesser as compared to nations abroad. Making decent money comes around only after hefty years of experience. So how do we make sure potential employers don’t hand us offers that are just less?

  • Show them your worth. Highlight your pros and assure them that you are ready to work on your cons.

  • If you have a fair offer, respect that totally. But never ever settle for peanuts. Counteroffers that employers put forward just as a way of testing your urge to jump into a job. Always!

  • Make room for perks. Salaries not only include your monetary compensation, but also benefits like paid leaves, bonuses, and sick leaves.

  • Fixate work hours. It’s almost a dream if working hours remain firm at any architecture office. If you are on overtime, make sure you get paid for every extra minute you spend at your office.

  • Are you a good writer or a spot-on 3-D visualizer or do you make amazing sketches? Find your niche and seek permission to take up freelance gigs in your area of expertise so that you could get those extra pennies.

  • Ditch thoughts like you have to struggle in the initial years and you are just a beginner! Yes, the beginner struggle is going to be there. But you have a formal education in this field. Say it out loud that “I may not be so polished, but I will definitely bring value to your firm in different aspects.” 

  • Last and most important- Don’t be outrageous in your asking. But do ask for all that you are qualified to do and it shall be happy employment!

Do try these out and let us know what works best for you in the comments below!

Happy Reading!

Author: Ar. Sakshi Agrawal

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